Saturday, July 23, 2022

Thought Radio™ Playlist #627 for July 23, 2022.

Thought Radio™ is hosted by Bill Fox and is the Saturday edition of The
AM/FM Show. You can expect to hear electronic, ambient, spacemusic,
Progressive Rock, and an eclectic mix of other genres. The show airs from
6:00 am to 8:00 am EDT/GMT-4 on WMUH Allentown, 91.7 FM and streaming on
the internet.

                Show #627                July 23, 2022.

On this program, you heard new music by NOX on Winter-Light Records and by
Ben Craven on Desert Comb Music.

Phase I/Space:

ARTIST               TRACK                 ALBUM (label)
==================== ===================== ===============================
Andrew Douglas       Warp Looping          Emitter (Neu Harmony)
Rob Papen and        Klaus Schulze Tribute Klaus Schulze Tribute (Groove
  Ron Boots                                  Unlimited)
NOX                  Anti Human            Abyssal Codex (Winter-Light)
Richard Scott        Book of Everything    Everything Is Always at Once
                                             (Discus Music)
AeTopus              Spire                 Urbus (12 Ton Productions)

Phase II/Eclectic:

ARTIST               TRACK                 ALBUM (label)
==================== ===================== ===============================
Alan Matthews        Seeing You Again      All That I Can See (none)
Paul Adams and       A Forrest's Embrace   Sanctuary (Lake Front)
  Elizabeth Geyer
Kevin Kastning and   Levitation Opus I     Levitation I (Greydisc)
  Laszlo Gardony

Phase III/Progressive Rock:

ARTIST               TRACK                 ALBUM (label)
==================== ===================== ===============================
Ben Craven           Die Before You Wake   Monsters from the ID (Desert
                                             Comb Music)
Arjen Lucassen's     Lost Children of the  Revel in Time (InsideOut Music)
  Star One             Universe
Metaphor             Inquisition           The Sparrow (Trope Audio)
Metaphor             Song from a Nearby    The Sparrow (Trope Audio)
Alan Morse           Cold Fusion *         Four O'clock and Hysteria
                                             (InsideOut Music)

 * = excerpt
 + = Advanced CDR from artist
VA = Various Artists (compilation)
 x = Aborted by CD player

Bill Fox
Host of Thought Radio™, the Saturday edition of The AM/FM Show every
Saturday at 6:00 am.
Phase 1: Electronic, ambient, and space music.
Phase 2: Mixed bag of acoustic, electric, pop, or New Age.
Phase 3: Progressive rock from past masters to contemporary releases.
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Listen to WMUH Allentown locally at 91.7 FM or on-line at
Playlists are also published at
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Timezone information - [ Winter: EST/GMT-5 / Summer: EDT/GMT-4 ]
Daylight Saving Time in the US (2022) begins at 2:00 am on Sunday, March
14 and ends at 2:00 am on Sunday, November 7.

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