Saturday, December 26, 2020

Thought Radio™ Playlist #572 for December 26, 2020.

Thought Radio™, hosted by Bill Fox, is the Saturday edition of The AM/FM
Show.  You can expect to hear electronic, ambient, spacemusic,
Progressive Rock, and an eclectic mix of other genres.  The show airs
from 6:00 am to 8:00 am EST/GMT-5 on WMUH Allentown, 91.7 FM and
streaming on the internet.

                Show #572                December 26, 2020.

In Phase 1, you heard new music by Sensitive Chaos Subsequent Records, by
Ashtoreth and Onsturicheit on Belgian Neumusik and by Tapes and
Topographies on Dronarivm. In Phase 3, you heard new music by Greg Van

Phase I/Space:

ARTIST               TRACK                 ALBUM (label)
==================== ===================== ===============================
Sensitive Chaos      New Year Just Begun   Little Drum Machine Boy
Mythos               Captain Consistency   Berliner Schule Sequencing
Ashtoreth and        When Sterility        Svatur (Belgian Neumusik)
  Onsturecheit         Becomes a Slumbering...
Tapes and            A Halo of Electric    Inoculations (Dronarivm)
  Topographies         Bulbs
Nyvva                Aether                Aether (Spooky Action)

Phase II/Eclectic:

ARTIST               TRACK                 ALBUM (label)
==================== ===================== ===============================
James Marienthal     A Terraplace of Time  Speak to the Sky (Silverwave)
John Finbury         Waltz for Patty       American Nocturnes (Green Fish
Todd Mosby           Sylphs                Ariel Views (none)
Deep Imagination     Stopping to Run       My Silent Celebration

Phase III/Progressive Rock:

ARTIST               TRACK                 ALBUM (label)
==================== ===================== ===============================
Greg Van Allen       Lady Justice          Late Arrival (none)
The Royal            Roundabout            Plays Prog Rock Classics
  Philharmonic Orchestra                     (Purple Pyramid)
The Royal            Watcher of the Skies  Plays Prog Rock Classics
  Philharmonic Orchestra                     (Purple Pyramid)
Heldon               Ouais Marchais,       Electronique Guerilla
                       Mieux Qu'en 68        (Cuneiform)
Heldon               Circulus Vitiosus     Electronique Guerilla
Heldon               Ballade Pour Puig     Electronique Guerilla
                       Antich,               (Cuneiform)
                       Rèvolutionaire Assassinè En Espagne
3rdegree             The Proverbial        Narrow Caster (none)
                       Banana Peel
Alan Morse           Cold Fusion *         Four O'clock and Hysteria

 * = excerpt
++ = Advanced CDR from artist
VA = Various Artists (compilation)
x = Aborted by CD player

Bill Fox
Host of Thought Radio™, the Saturday edition of The AM/FM Show every
Saturday at 6:00 am.
Phase 1: Electronic, ambient, and space music.
Phase 2: Mixed bag of acoustic, electric, pop, or New Age.
Phase 3: Progressive rock from past masters to contemporary releases.
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Listen to WMUH Allentown locally at 91.7 FM or on-line at
Playlists are also published at
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Timezone information - [ Winter: EST/GMT-5 / Summer: EDT/GMT-4 ]
Daylight Saving Time in the US (2020) begins at 2:00 am on Sunday, March
8 and ends at 2:00 am on Sunday, November 1.

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