Friday, February 07, 2025

Galactic Travels™ Playlist #1436 for February 6, 2025.

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Galactic Travels™ is an electronic, ambient, and space music
show, that airs each Thursday at 11:04 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM,
Allentown and Bethlehem, PA, 93.9 FM in Easton, PA and
Phillipsburg, NJ, and streaming on-line. Many Choices, Real

                Show #1436                February 6, 2025.

On this show, I began a month-long focus on Radio Massacre International.
The Featured CD at Midnight was disk one from "Emissaries" on Cuneiform
Records. You also heard new music by Brotherhood of Sleep on Winter-Light
Records, by Aperus on Geophonic Records, and by Volker Lankow on Iapetus


11:04 pm
ARTIST               TRACK                ALBUM (label)
==================== ==================== ===============================
Kevin Braheny        Starflight 1 *       Galaxies (Hearts of Space)
Aperus               Lost Tribe of the    Lost Tribe of the Shadow
                       Shadow               (Geophonic)
Aperus               A Dark Age           Lost Tribe of the Shadow
Volker Lankow        Inner Peace          Gift of Sound (Iapetus Music)
Brotherhood of Sleep Activation of the    Devotional Hymns to a Brilliant
                       Portal of Singing    Flaming Sun (Winter-Light)
Robert Scott         Nightsong            Atmospherica - Veneration
  Thompson                                  (Aucourant)
Robert Scott         Newgrange Roof Box   Atmospherica - Traverse
  Thompson                                  (Aucourant)

12:00 am
ARTIST               TRACK                ALBUM (label)
==================== ==================== ===============================
Radio Massacre       a priest crossing    Emissaries disk 1 (Cuneiform)
  International        frozen water
Radio Massacre       mad bob's self-      Emissaries disk 1 (Cuneiform)
  International       inflicted torment
Radio Massacre       the emissaries       Emissaries disk 1 (Cuneiform)
  International        reveal themselves
Radio Massacre       the ice garden       Emissaries disk 1 (Cuneiform)
Radio Massacre       a promise of         Emissaries disk 1 (Cuneiform)
  International        salvation

1:00 am

 * = excerpt
** = continued
 + = bonus or extra track
xx = aborted by CD player

On the next Galactic Travels™, I'll continue the month-long focus on
Radio Massacre International. The Featured CD at Midnight will be disk
two from "Emissaries" on Cuneiform Records. You will also hear new music
by Robert Schroeder on Spheric Music, by Bernhard Wöstheinrich on Iapetus
Music, and by Deepspace on Projekt Records.

Host of Galactic Travels™, an electronic, ambient, and space music show,
Thursdays at 11:04 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM in Allentown and Bethlehem, 93.9
FM in Easton and Phillipsburg, and streaming online. This show will be
available in the Two Week Archive via both the WDIY website as well as
the free app available at the Apple and Google stores.

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Timezone information - [ Winter: EST/GMT-5 / Summer: EDT/GMT-4 ]
Daylight Saving Time in the US (2025) begins at 2:00 am on Sunday, March
9 and ends at 2:00 am on Sunday, November 2.
Galactic Travels™ is a Trademark of Bill Fox.

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